Thank you so much to everyone who sent me birthday cards and Facebook Birthday wishes!

I love this card made by my sweet friend Jean Hixson. Jean and I used to work together and have been walking together almost every weekend for about twenty years. I don’t know what I’d do without Jean in my life!

Even the inside is cute! Jean put a Post it note inside with a note on it, so I could still use the card and send it on to someone else. I often use Post it notes in case someone might want to send my card on. In this case, I love the card too much and need to keep it! I’m sure some of you will want to know how to make it?

I was so happy to find this fun birthday card in my mailbox from my sweet friend, Linda Mandernach. Linda has been a customer for years and then part of my Stamping Mom Team! You could be part of my Stamping Mom Team too! Email me at and I’ll tell you all about it.

This stunning card came all the way from my sweet friend Ruth Sollberger in Austrailia! Ruth is a BSF/Stamping friend and she is a huge encouragement to me. BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) is a nondenominational world wide Bible study. Here’s the verse that was in Ruth’s card: Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.

Ruth also sent me this gorgeous cross which I will always treasure. Thanks so much Ruth!

My sweet friend Marcelyn started as a customer, became a Stamping Mom Team member and last fall she joined me at BSF. Marcelyn creates amazing projects and does most of the event table decorating for her church. Making a card or gift for someone allows us to do small things with great love.

Marcelyn also made me this cute birthday box. Marcelyn loves the Oh So Succulent set, Framelits Dies and Succulent Garden DSP. All of these will be retiring by May 31 or while supplies last. Click on the pictures at the end of this post to order.
Please order from my online store and use the Host Code KCQSVZKT to get your free card kit by mail. You can also email me at 🙂

My sweet Aunt Sherrie sent me this adorable card. She has been stamping with me since I started 15 years ago and I love it when we get to spend an afternoon stamping together. I’m not sure if she did a rainbow on purpose, but I had a “rainbow” wedding and love rainbows and rainbow colors.

This awesome Cubs card was made by my sweet BSF/Stamping friend Barb Sease. Barb and I are both group leaders with the Des Moines Day Women’s BSF. Superman said this was his favorite card! He is a little biased. 🙂
Speaking of the Cubs, Sean flew into Chicago today and met Superman, Ryan, Steve’s brothers and families and parents to celebrate Harold and Ruby’s wedding anniversary. I’m sure they are all having a great time. Keegan, Abby and I stayed home because Keegan had a required choir contest today and Abby has her last concert with Heartland Youth Choir tomorrow. Abby’s been in Heartland Youth Choir since she was in third grade. I was talking to her about her concert today and started crying. I can’t imagine how many Kleenex I’ll need when I hear the combined choirs sing, “May the Lord Bless you and Keep you,” for the last time after ten years of Abby singing in the choir.
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My friend Susan and I dipped 175 cakeballs this morning for my niece Lindsay’s graduation party and Susan’s son’s graduation party. I’ll be making more for Abby’s grad party soon. How did they taste you might wonder? I have no idea, I didn’t taste any. Why? you might ask. See below.
Diane, my Pedal off the Pounds biking partner, and I rode 16 miles today to Gray’s Lake and back. It was a gorgeous day in Iowa! Monday is weigh in day at Pedal off the Pounds. I’ll let you know if I did indeed pedal off any pounds. Weigh in day is why I didn’t taste the cake balls. 🙂
Beth 🙂