Stampin’ Up! 2016-17 In Colors

StampinUp 2016-17 In Colors with Celebrate Today balloons designed by demo Beth McCullough  Please see more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom

These cards are made with the awesome Stampin’ Up 2016-17 In Colors!  Do you have a favorite?  I thought Emerald Envy was going to be my favorite, but Peekaboo Peach is really pretty in real life.  I want to make a birthday card set for a friend and I am having trouble deciding which balloon and which type of string I like the best.  My thought is to make all five cards with the same design, but each with a different color.  Do you have time to help me?  If so, do you like the balloon being cut off on the edges (like the Sugarplum, Flamingo and Denim) or do you prefer the entire balloon being on the card (Emerald and Peach.)  Do you like the balloon plain like Flamingo, dotted like Peach, dotted with silver embossing like Emerald, speckled like Sugarplum or swirly and white embossed like Denim?  Only one more question… Do you like the Emerald cardstock string, Sugarplum and Denim curved string, Peach straight string or Flamingo Baker’s Twine string?  OK I forgot the very last question… what do you think of the tassel on the bottom of the Sugarplum balloon?

I appreciate any help you can give me.  Here’s a close up look at the cards:

StampinUp 2016-17 In Colors  Emerald Envy with Celebrate Today balloons designed by demo Beth McCullough  Please see more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom

StampinUp 2016-17 In Colors  Peekaboo Peach with Celebrate Today balloons designed by demo Beth McCullough  Please see more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom

StampinUp 2016-17 In Colors Dapper Denim with Celebrate Today balloons designed by demo Beth McCullough.  Please see more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom

StampinUp 2016-17 In Colors Flirty Flamingo with Celebrate Today balloons designed by demo Beth McCullough.  Please see more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom

StampinUp 2016-17 In Colors Sweet Sugarplum with Celebrate Today balloons designed by demo Beth McCullough.  Please see more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom

Can’t wait to hear your favorite color and also any design advice you can give me.  Yep, Abby was at work tonight so I’m depending on you!

I picked Sean up at the airport this morning and we went to La Mie Bakery for breakfast.  I think it’s his favorite place for breakfast because we seem to go there every time he comes to visit.  He did make a bee line for the strawberry patch when we got home, but most of the strawberries need a couple more days.  Superman, the kids and I are so happy when Sean comes home. I took the pups, Maya and Molly to the airport and they were besides themselves with joy when they saw him.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen Molly so happy!  Whoever said a dog forgets people after two weeks, forgot to tell our pups.  They haven’t seen Sean in 5 months and they knew their “boy” was home.  We always say it’s a party when Sean comes home!


Beth 🙂


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May 26, 2016 5:28 am

Love love the Curley string on Emerald card and love the Emerald color. Love the speckled look on Sugarplum.
For simplicity, don’t think I want to emboss but it’s gorgeous on Emerald. The plainer curved string is cute. They are all adorbs…
Is that curvy string on Enerald made from a ribbon or Cardstock?

Kathy Bolam
Kathy Bolam
May 25, 2016 1:27 pm

My favorites are balloon off the side, curved string and speckled balloon. Thank you for such great ideas! I will be making some of these myself.

Kim Duell
Kim Duell
May 25, 2016 10:33 am

I love the Emerald Envy card, the way you have positioned the balloon and the ribbon….ohhh so pretty!

Pat Knight
Pat Knight
May 25, 2016 8:17 am

I like the balloon off the edge. That’s the way my sil did when she made 12 of them for me, in different colors. I have 12 grands and each will get one this year. She used the twine but I really like the ribbon.

Denise Mouton
Denise Mouton
May 25, 2016 7:05 am

I also prefer the balloon off the edges. Thanks for the inspiration!

Kate C.
Kate C.
May 25, 2016 6:28 am

The baker’s twine and the tassel are not my favorites as far as the strings go. But LOVE the cards!! I think the denim and peach are my favorites, denim most of all. Like the swirls and the balloon positioning on that one.
Kate C.

Ruth S.
Ruth S.
May 24, 2016 10:47 pm

My favourite card is the plum one but my favourite colour is the green one. How’s that for being helpful? Enjoy your time with family as it goes too quickly,

Tonya Denton
May 24, 2016 10:22 pm

Love these new In Colors! My favorite balloon card is the Peekaboo Peach but then I like all of them! I bet your friend would love any one of them!

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