Do you remember when I showed you this wedding card my friend Jill commissioned me to make? Well, I ran across the other card that didn’t get chosen.

Yep, this is the reject. The problem with this card is the Bloomin’ Heart cutout is white and you can’t see it on the white flower background. It is actually a little easier to see in real life.

OK, here’s what I like about this card. I think the colors of Sahara Sand and Whisper White look classy for a wedding card. I like the printed banner with the leaves from the Bloomin’ Love stamp set and how it wraps around the Bloomin’ Heart Thinlit. I also like the three detailed flowers from the Bloomin’ Heart Thinlits and how nice they look with a pearl in the middle. So even though this card is a reject, I learned some things and found some things I can use on future cards. Hopefully I’m not the only one who makes some reject cards once in awhile. 🙂
Are you still wondering who stopped by… actually she called ahead and we had it all planned out. Yep the one and only Robin Myren from Songbird Designs by Robin. Please visit her blog here . Robin is part of Brian King’s group, InKing Royalty. I met Robin online a couple of years ago and finally got to meet her in person and stamp with her. She is every bit as delightful as I always thought she was online. She even brought me flowers! Thanks so much Robin, can’t wait until you’re in Iowa again.

Robin made a coaster calendar and a Kate Spade inspired box while she was here. In the meantime I was doing “Just in Time” stamping. What is that you ask? Well, why would I do something before it’s due…I had 14 swap cards that needed to be done by 4:40pm. At 4:40pm I put the last card in the plastic sleeve. The cards were done, but it might have been a bit less stressful if I had gotten them done sooner. Robin was sweet and asked if I was making swaps for next week? Next week, are you kidding? I need these swaps done in 20 minutes!
Keegan and the other campers had their Showcase Friday night. Keegan got to sing the Hamilton part in the Broadway musical song, Helpless. Abby and Keegan have every word to every song in Hamilton memorized! He was thrilled to get to do this and did a great job. The whole evening was very enjoyable. Keegan has been an actor and singer for a couple years, but never really danced until this spring. He figured out at the camp that dance is still his weakest link and what he needs to work on the most.
More happy news…Abby and Ryan came home from camp today! It makes me so happy to have my kids home. Before they got here, I set out Fiesta bowls of nuts, fruit and veggies on the counter. They walked in the door, hugged me and went straight to the island to see what was in the bowls. Today the white peaches and the cherries hit the jackpot! If you want your kids or grand kids to eat fruit or veggies, just put them in bright color bowls on the counter and don’t say a word. I think they eat them because I’ve never told them they should. When the kids are in school I usually set out the dinner fruit and veggies right before the kids come home. Superman sometimes complains that he doesn’t get any, because the kids eat it all before he gets home.

OK, so this is an old picture of just nuts and tomatoes. Everyday is different. Usually there’s fruit, veggies and nuts. This does spoil the kids a bit. Sean told me he can’t figure why when he buys fruit and veggies they never get washed and show up on the counter top ready to eat. Sean lives alone, so hopefully he’ll get desperate and do it himself!
Abby, Keegan and I are helping with Bible school this coming week. Ryan has to be back at camp by noon tomorrow, so his visit was very short. We went to church tonight and all the hype about Bible school was making Ryan wish he could stay home and help too.
Superman did another triathalon in Okoboji this morning. He finished well, but is afraid this winter he’s going to have to go in for maintenance. As in, a new hip, knee and shoulder. He’s hoping his orthopedic doc will give him a volume discount!
Beth 🙂