Author Archive: Beth

Marcelyn Monday Card Gift Set

Marcelyn Churchill is my friend, stamping team member, fellow BSFer (Bible Study Fellowship) and prolific crafter.  She doesn’t have a blog, so I share some of her creations on most Mondays.

Stampin Up All Occasion card made by Marcelyn Churchill. See more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom #cute&simple4u

Marcelyn’s birthday is May 1.  If you would like to send her a birthday card, please email me at and I’ll give you her mailing address.  Happy Birthday my dear my friend, Marcelyn!!

Stampin Up Butterfly cards made by Marcelyn Churchill. See more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom #cute&simple4u

Both of these cards have triple butterflies.  So pretty in real life!

Stampin Up Fun Fold card made by Marcelyn Churchill. See more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom #cute&simple4u

Did you notice the fun fold some of these cards have?

Stampin Up All Occasion card made by Marcelyn Churchill. See more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom #cute&simple4u

Marcelyn put all these cards together in a gift box shown below.  I wonder who’s going to receive this beautiful set of cards?

Stampin Up All Occasion cards made by Marcelyn Churchill. See more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom #cute&simple4u

It makes Marcelyn’s day to hear from you.  Please email her at  Please stop by next week to see more of her creations.

Keegan got all four of his wisdom teeth removed a couple days ago.  He’s recovered pretty well and is going back to school on Monday.  His favorite foods to eat the first couple days were Butter Pecan or Strawberry ice cream,  Chocolate pudding and Gnocchi from Latin King. I know it’s not healthy, but he was in survival mode.

Yesterday, Keegan spent a couple hours making fleece blankets for two little girls that have cancer.  He needed a few more hours to graduate with a Silver Cord.  The high school kids are required to volunteer at least 50 hours all four years of high school in order to be recognized with a Silver Cord at graduation.  Keegan volunteered by doing Therapy Dog visits with me, going on a mission trip to Tijuana, Mexico to help build a house for a family, going on a mission trip to the Navajo Indian reservation where we built a handicap ramp at a senior citizen’s home, helping senior citizen’s in Des Moines with their electronics, volunteering at Bible School and more.  I’m really proud of you Keegan and I think you figured out you really enjoy volunteering!

Here’s Molly as she was “helping” Keegan finish tying the fleece blanket.


Beth 🙂

  • Visit my online store here.
  • Shop the Clearance Rack here.
  • Follow me on Pinterest here
  • Follow me on Facebook here. 

You can always email me if you don’t want to place your order online.  I’d love to help you!  My current host code is 2JBAJ67H.  If you order using my host code, you’ll get an additional free gift from me!


Marcelyn Monday’s Waterfront

Marcelyn Churchill is my friend, stamping team member, fellow BSFer (Bible Study Fellowship) and prolific crafter.  She doesn’t have a blog, so I share some of her creations on most Mondays.

Stampin Up Waterfront All Occasion card made by Marcelyn Churchill.  See more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom #cute&simple4u

What a beautiful card, Marcelyn!

Stampin Up Waterfront All Occasion card made by Marcelyn Churchill.  See more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom #cute&simple4u

I’m so glad the Waterfront stamp set made it into the new catalog.

Stampin Up Waterfront Easter card made by Marcelyn Churchill.  See more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom #cute&simple4u

Marcelyn gave me this beautiful card for Easter.

It makes Marcelyn’s day to hear from you.  Please email her at  Please stop by next week to see more of her creations.

If you want to see Keegan’s prom picture, please look at yesterday’s post. 🙂


Beth 🙂

  • Visit my online store here.
  • Shop the Clearance Rack here.
  • Follow me on Pinterest here
  • Follow me on Facebook here. 

You can always email me if you don’t want to place your order online.  I’d love to help you!  My current host code is D97MRFFR.  If you order using my host code, you’ll get an additional free gift from me!


Stampin’ Up! Retiring In-Colors

Welcome to the Remarkable InkBig Blog Hop for April 2018. This month our theme is Bon Voyage Retiring In-Colors!  You may just be starting the blog hop here at my blog – Beth McCullough @ Stamping Mom or may have come from the person previous to me on the list. If you get off track at any time, the full lineup below will help you move along from blog to blog so you see all the projects.

Stampin Up CAS All Occasion card designed by demo Beth McCullough. See more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom #cute7simple4u

I will really miss the Stampin’ Up! 2016-18 In Colors.  They are bright and happy, which are the colors I gravitate to.  The sentiment is from the Rose Wonder stamp set.  It is also retiring, but I will keep mine.  The flowers and leaves are from Patty Bennett’s Million Dollar set, Support Ribbon Framelits, and thankfully they will be in the next catalog.

Which of these colors is your favorite?

Thanks for taking part in our blog hop, there are so many amazing ideas and inspiration you don’t want to miss. Remember that currently, you are on my blog –Beth McCullough @ Stamping Mom, so check the blog hop line up list to see who is next on the list.

We had a surprise weekend visit from Abby.   Abby made me a delicious carrot cake for my birthday.  I think she thought if she didn’t come home and make me a cake, I probably wouldn’t get one.  🙂 What a sweet daughter! Only three more weeks and she will be home for the summer.

Keegan and his girlfriend, Ella, had fun at his senior prom last night.  It was the last “dance night” for our last kid.  I thought it wouldn’t bother me to have all these “lasts,” but honestly it really does.  We’ve been actively parenting  for almost 28 years.  While I look forward to traveling with Steve and the fun things we have planned, there’s nothing I’ve loved more than being a Mom!

Have you noticed the Clearance Rack is full of great deals right now?  Check it out by clicking on “Shop the Clearance Rack,” below.


Beth 🙂

  • Visit my online store here.
  • Shop the Clearance Rack here.
  • Follow me on Pinterest here
  • Follow me on Facebook here. 

You can always email me if you don’t want to place your order online.  I’d love to help you!  My current host code is N9C2R32B.  If you order using my host code, you’ll get an additional free gift from me!

Click on the pictures below to order from my online store.