Springtime Joy
Hello, welcome to the Stampin’ Pretty Pals’ Blog Hop! This month our Design Team’s theme is “Cute Critters” – showcasing their card/project with adorable animals, birds, or insects for any occasion. We hope you enjoy and will be inspired by them! Don’t forget to leave comments! We love hearing from you. At the end of my post, you will find the full line-up to help you “hop” along from Pal to Pal.
The Springtime Joy set has darling Critters! I love to make treat boxes and fun fold cards, so I have one of each for you today.

Here’s a Dutch Barn Door fun fold card and a quick and easy box to gift a Reese’s Peanut Butter egg- my kid’s favorite!

Here’s a video showing how to make the Dutch Barn Door fun fold made with the same measurements, but different supplies.

This Reese’s box is simple to make. Cut Cardstock at 3-1/2″ x 9-1/4.” Score at 1/2″, 1-1/4″, 3-1/4″ and 4.” Here’s a video showing a similar box I made. The measurements are slightly different, but you’ll see how the box goes together.
Ski Adventure 2021
Monday was the first day on the slopes in Park City, Utah, which is only a stones throw away from the Stampin’ Up Headquarters. I’m much relieved that I can still ski and I still love it as much as ever! The preparation I did exercising and losing weight paid off. Ryan (2nd son- age 25) and I skied together most of the time. We are sensible Blue run skiers who enjoy the majesty of God’s creation. Steve (my sweet husband) and Sean (1st son- age 30) are still the best skiers, spending most of their time on Black Diamond runs. I’m not sure they take time to look around because they are trying not to crash most of the time. 🙂
Even though we had so much fun, there were some difficulties, too. In our condo, the boys room was about 80F degrees and our bedroom was about 50F degrees. I had to have one set of thermal underwear to use for skiing and one set to put on along with several layers of clothing when it was time to go to bed. I told you on Monday’s post about the 35 steps to get down into the condo. We could really feel them after a day of skiing. It made for an even better legs workout.
On Tuesday we took a rest day and went shopping at the Outlet Mall. Steve and Ryan both got new ski jackets and ski pants. Ryan didn’t think he needed a new jacket, but his old one had duct tape on the front of it where it was ripped (a dead give away that maybe it’s time for a new one). We also played several games and I beat Ryan at Chess for the first time ever! I did have a little help from Steve. 🙂 Please stop back on Friday to hear the next chapter of our ski adventure.

More inspiration awaits! Use the Blog Hop Line-up below to visit the rest of this month’s Design Team. My fellow Pals are excited to show you what they’ve created! Mark your calendars for our next blog hop on April 14th when our theme is “Great Family Occasions” when our Design Team creates a project for any special occasion. Don’t miss the fun! Until then, please stay safe and have fun in your craft space.
Stampin’ Pretty Pals Blog Hop
- Mary Fish at Stampin’ Pretty
- Jackie Beers at Blue Line Stamping
- Jeanie Stark at Just Stampin’
- Windy Ellard at Windy’s Wonderful Creations
- Debbie Crowley at expressively deb…
- Rae Harper Burnet at Wild West Paper Arts
- Beth McCullough at Stamping Mom
- Tricia Chuba at ButterDish Designs
- Stesha Bloodhart at Stampin’ Hoot!
- Jennifer Roque at Stamp Camp with Jen
- Karen Hallam at Karen’s Stamping Habit
- Sue Jackson at Just Peachy Stamping
- Debbie Mageed at Secrets to Stamping
- Mary Hanson at Up North Stampin’
- Lori Pinto at LollyPop Paper and Ink
- Melissa Seplowitz at The Stamping Ninja
- Sara Stuart at Sentiments by Sara
- Su Mohr at Aromas And Art
- Peggy Noe at Pretty Paper Cards
- Jennifer Michalski at Stamping Serenity
- Deb Walker at Deb Stamps Life
- Pamela Sadler at Stampin Pink Rose
- Rosanne Mulhern at Heartfelt Stamping
- Lisa Ann Bernard at Queen B Creations
- Lori Webb at Clever Copies
- Lisa Milligan at Stamping Made Simple
Beth 🙂
Product List- click on any of the pictures to order from my online store.