Kylie’s International Winners Blog Hop

I was thrilled to find out that I was in the Top 10 of Kylie’s International Highlights last week! Thanks so much to everyone who voted for me!!

This is the card that was voted into the Top 10. I made this with the Stampin’ Up’s Christmastime is Here Suite. It’s still available! There are links to the products at the bottom of this post.

Here’s my Magnolia Fun Fold card. For the hop we needed to make an encouragement card. What’s more encouraging than being loved. I feel blessed to be loved by God, my awesome husband, Steve, my kids, all my family and friends. I made this card for someone special so they can set it on their desk and always be reminded that they are loved!

Here’s a Facebook Live I did with directions showing how to make a different version of this Magnolia Fun Fold card.
Please enjoy checking out the beautiful cards from all the other Top 10 Winners!
Click on the pictures at the bottom of this post to order any of the items directly from my online store.
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- Paper Pumpkin here.
You can always email me at if you don’t want to place your order online. I’d love to help you! My current host code is 36ZH63RZ.
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