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“Sweet 16” Birthday Card

StampinUp Sweet 16 birthday card made with the Large Number Framelits, designed by demo Beth McCullough.  Please see more card and gift ideas at


We went to our very good friend’s house for the Super Bowl tonight.  It was so much fun.  Good food, good game and good conversation!  Their daughter had her sweet 16 birthday today.  I wanted to make her a very fun card for her special birthday so I checked out PalsPaperArts for this week’s sketch.  Gracie liked the card and the Paper Pumpkin  I brought for her gift.  Paper Pumpkin is an awesome craft project in a box that arrives every month.  You should check it out!


Abby and Keegan’s groups both got all 1’s at the State Speech contest on Saturday, so we’ll find out tomorrow if either group was chosen for All State!

Please see the products I used to make this card at the bottom of this post.  I’d love it if you’d sign up to receive my posts or leave me a comment or question.


Beth 🙂

StampinUp Sweet 16 birthday card made with the Large Number Framelits, designed by demo Beth McCullough.  Please see more card and gift ideas at

Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog

Valentine Party Invitation

Mom and Dad were going to have a party around Valentine’s Day and needed invitations, so I came up with two choices.

StampinUp Valentine invitation designed by demo Beth McCullough. Please see more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom

Red sparkly hearts…

StampinUp Valentine invitation designed by demo Beth McCullough. Please see more card and gift ideas at #StampingMom

or Valentines hanging by a string.  Which do you think they chose…?  Red sparkly hearts win every time!  I ended up using the card on the top left where the “you’re invited” is right beside the red sparkly heart.  As I make more cards, I’m learning how the placement really matters.

I am so excited to see Abby and Keegan perform at the State Speech and Drama contest this weekend.  Keegan is a “strong man” in the circus performing in the one act play, Elephant Graveyard.  It’s a sad, but moving story of a circus elephant.  Abby is in TV News…she helped write the commercial about “Peace for Paris.”

Hope you have a great weekend!

Please leave me a comment or question and please sign up for my blog updates.


Beth 🙂

Valentine 3 Nugget Box

Have you made treats for Valentine’s Day?  You only have 10 days, so it’s time to get started!

StampinUp Valentine 3 Nugget Box designed by demo Beth McCullough.  Please see more card and gift ideas at

Grab a bag of Hershey’s Nuggets.

StampinUp Valentine 3 Nugget Box designed by demo Beth McCullough.  Please see more card and gift ideas at

Here’s the directions so you can make some Valentine 3 Nugget Boxes.

StampinUp Valentine 3 Nugget Box designed by demo Beth McCullough.  Please see more card and gift ideas at

You might be wondering where I came up with these nontraditional Valentine colors?  Yep, I used the color challenge at Global Design Project.  You should check them out and play along.


Miss Abby is turning 17 soon, so I’ve been working on her birthday invitations.  I can’t wait to show them to you. Please sign up for my posts to be delivered to your inbox so you don’t miss anything.

I’d love to hear from you.  Please leave me a comment or question.


Beth 🙂

StampinUp Valentine 3 Nugget Box designed by demo Beth McCullough.  Please see more card and gift ideas at

Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog