Oh happy day, the new catalog begins today!

Not only can you order from the new catalog, but we also have a special sale. Order $250 and get $50 free. You can get together with a friend and order together. 🙂
You can also become a discount shopper and join for $99 plus tax and free shipping. Choose $125 in free product plus in addition, choose any bundle you want from the new catalog for free! This offer is good until June 30 and for anyone in the USA. You also get to be part of my Stamping Mom’s Joy Team 🙂 What a deal!
You can join my Stamping Mom Joy team by clicking here.
You can click on “Catalogs” on the menu at the top of my blog to get a pdf of the new catalog. If you would like me to be your demonstrator, please let me know and I’ll mail you a catalog.