Today’s Craft Project Central project is designed by Jari Francis.
Stamped coasters are so simple and inexpensive to make! With the holiday season quickly approaching, it’s time to think about special people in your life you want to create a gift for. In fact, these stamped coasters would make great gifts for anyone, any time of year!
If you would like to learn how to make this project, you’ll want to subscribe for the month of August. With your subscription, you’ll get illustrated, step-by-step instructions for five wonderful projects for only $10! You can find out how to gain access to a bonus sixth project over at Craft Project Central.
Well, I have so much to tell you and so little time! Abby is adjusting well to life at Iowa. We took her to Iowa City a week ago Sunday and got a call on Thursday saying everything was good, but there was just one problem. At home she got multiple hugs everyday from multiple people. At Iowa she didn’t know anyone before she got there and didn’t feel comfortable asking for hugs from people she barely knows. Superman and I drove down to Iowa City yesterday and gave lots of hugs, took her a microwave that actually worked, her new prescription lenses and an office chair. I think she liked the hugs best of all!
Abby did call me again today to say how much she likes her Organic Chemistry class and professor. She said she couldn’t wait to do her Organic Chemistry homework. Abby’s going to be just fine at Iowa. 🙂 I have more peace about Abby being at college than I thought possible. The Sunday we took Abby to school, Keegan said something that made Abby mad and she asked me to take him home. This ended up being a blessing. I was angry at Keegan for making Abby mad, and angry at Abby for dismissing us, hurt that we didn’t go to lunch and sad we didn’t have the perfect day I had envisioned. Instead of sobbing on the way home, I didn’t shed a tear. I do love Abby so much and miss her. I believe she is doing what God is calling her to do and I feel much joy about that. Later that day when I was picking tomatoes, I thought I should make Abby and I some tomato soup (the boys don’t eat it), not remembering Abby was gone. I was sad for a moment and had to tell myself I am worthy and can still make tomato soup for just myself even though Abby isn’t here to share it with me.
Tonight was the last weigh in for Pedal Off the Pounds. This was a “learn to love riding your bike and get more healthy along the way group” with a Biggest Loser format. The bad news is I wasn’t the biggest loser. The great news is I lost 32lbs and met my goal of losing 30lbs! I also LOVE riding my bike! I’ve spent hours riding almost every day this summer. To me riding fast on a bike is almost like flying. It’s the same feeling I get downhill skiing. As I get older, bike riding is the perfect exercise for me. I love the sunshine, fresh air, nature, animals etc. I get time alone to talk and listen to God. Biking is good for me in so many ways.

Superman was being super again, he got me roses to celebrate my Pedal Off the Pounds success.
Keegan applied to Iowa State today. I think he’s very excited to be the next one out the door. My nest is almost empty!
Hope you’re having an amazing week! Prayers for all you parents dropping off kids at college, school etc.
Beth 🙂