Sweet Ice Cream Thank You

Jean and I had so much fun making this Sweet Ice Cream thank you card! Rainbow Glimmer Paper and the Ice Cream Corner Bundle were meant for each other! We made one card and then couldn’t stop. We ended up with five cards before we were done, each a little different. This is the best ice cream set Stampin’ Up has ever made, in my opinion. See everything I used to make this card on the product list at the very bottom of the blog post.
Whether you are a beginner or avid crafter, you will love making darling cards with this Suite! It is in the new 2021 Jan-June Mini catalog. Demos have been ordering from this catalog in December and customers can begin ordering Jan 5, 2020. Do you know if you live in the USA you can join my team today and order from this catalog right now?! When you join my team you’re part of a kind group of stampers who Zoom weekly, are very supportive of each other and love purchasing their Stampin’ Up! supplies at a discount, just like joining Costco. I made this decision in 2003 and have never looked back.
Everyone who places an order with me in December will be receiving this card in the mail! Click on my shopping link at the bottom and I’ll be mailing this card to you soon. 🙂

My dear friend, Jean, who helps create a lot of what you see on my blog has been going through chemo since June and is having surgery today. Please pray for her successful surgery and quick recovery.
Please check out all the other blogs on Kylies Demonstrator Planning Program Blog Hop below.

I’m so excited to offer my “I want it all” shares at the amazing price of $50 plus $8.40 shipping in a padded Priority Envelope. If you are a Stampin’ Up demo you can get your share right now! This is the most economical way to get a little bit of almost everything from the new catalog. In fact, I have a couple left that I can mail as soon as you make your payment!
If you aren’t a demo, please email me to get on the reserve list for Jan 5 when Stampin’ Up allows us to sell shares to everyone! I have many customers who purchase their share from me every time a new catalog debuts.
You can purchase your share with a credit card by clicking below on the blue ‘Buy now” button at the bottom of the product list. I also take PayPal, Venmo and personal checks. Please email me at Beth@StampingMom.com with your shipping address and let me know how you want to pay for it. Here’s a PDF showing everything you’ll receive with my “I want it all” share. I also have a paper only share for $35 plus shipping.
Beth 🙂
- Purchase 2021 Spring Mini Catalog Product share here.
- Visit my online store here.
- Shop the Clearance Rack here.
- Follow me on Pinterest here
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- Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.
- Follow me on Instagram here.
- Join my Stamping Mom’s Joy Team and receive a discount on all Stampin Up products here
- Paper Pumpkin here.
If you order from me online, please use my Host Code VV93QMMF and get an extra gift from me!

Product List