He is Risen!

I’m a designer for Use Your Stuff and this week’s challenge is to use Yarn, String or Twine on your project. I hope you come play along with us and share your creations! Twine was the perfect thing to attach the “hello” tag to my Snickers Box. Want to learn how to make a box for gifting full size Snickers or Milky Way candy bars? I have picture directions here on my blog from back in 2015 here or head over to my YouTube Channel

Marcelyn Churchill is my friend, Stamping Joy team member, fellow BSFer (Bible Study Fellowship) and prolific crafter. She doesn’t have a blog, so I share some of her creations on most Mondays.

Marcelyn dropped off this gorgeous Easter card for my family and I. It’s so pretty in real life. I love that it has the cross and HOPE behind it. Here’s a quote from Billy Graham about hope and the cross,
“Easter always brings hope to all of us. For the Christian, the Cross tells us that God understands our suffering, for He took upon Himself at the Cross all of our sins and all of our failures and all of our sufferings. Our Lord, on that cross, asked the question, “Why?” “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” And he received his answer, he knew. To redeem the world, to save you and me from our sins, to give us assurance that if we died we’re going to heaven. He was saying from the cross, I love you and I know the heartaches and the sorrows and the pain that you feel.
Easter points us beyond the tragedy of the Cross to the hope of the empty tomb. It tells us that there is hope for eternal life for Christ has conquered death. It also tells us that God has triumphed over evil and death and hell. This is our hope and it can be your hope as well.”

I love these adorable gingham Easter baskets.

These gingham Thinking of You are so pretty too! If you’re wondering how to make any of Marcelyn’s lovely projects, please email her directly at marcelynchurchill@msn.com
Did you hear I’m doing a Facebook Live every Wednesday at noon Central time? Hope you can join me. I’d love it if you would “talk to me” by commenting during the Live, so I can interact with you. If you can’t make it at noon, I’ll post the video to my Stamping Mom Facebook page and my YouTube channel later. I’ve added more videos to my YouTube channel. See them here
Thanks for stopping by!
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You can always email me at Beth@StampingMom.com if you don’t want to place your order online. I’d love to help you! My current host code is FBETAV7N . If you order using my host code, you’ll get an additional free gift from me!